Friday, April 30, 2010

Heart Rate vs. Jump Roping

Question- Will jump roping effect my Heart Rate?



Write up-My project is Heart Rate vs. Jump Roping. What I did was Jump rope for 5 second intervals. Then I checked my heart rate after every interval. I did this until I found a point where my heart rate didn't increase any more. Which was at 50 seconds. Then I recorded the data and put it in to a table, graph, and equation. First off, my graph showed my heart rate compared to the amount of time jump roping. My first interval on the y-axis was bpm or heart rate. My second interval on the x-axis was the amount of time jump roping. On the graph there was a point that did not fit the best fit line. I can explain the reason why. The reason why the first point is far off is because when you exercise even for a few seconds your heart rate will drastically go up. Next, my equation is also effected by that one point. But the best equation I came up with as x=70+5.4. X being my next heart rate according to the graph.The equation works until you hit the 50 second mark, then the graph does not go up any more. I came up with this equation by adding the differences of the heart rates then didved by the number of heart rates. And came up with average increase of my heart rate which was 5.4 for every 5 seconds. Then I added the initial condition,70,to the equation and thats how I found the equation. Again which was x=70+5.4. Finally I made a table of my points on the graph. These numbers represent my heart rate recorded after every 5 second interval.The last three numbers represented that my heart stopped increasing at that point in time. Because eventually your heart will stop going up. The most important thing I found out was that your heart is effected by jump roping, which is why I wanted to do this project. I really enjoyed this project and hope to have more like it. Thanks for reading.

By:Michael M.

1 comment:

  1. How did you come up with this equation? What is the equation comparing? What does 'x' represent? Do you have a second variable? Is it in the equation?


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