My relations project is on Weight vs. Age. My question is: (Does your age depend on whether or not your overwight?) To prove my hypothesis I've taken some charts that show the age and proper weight you should be and took them in comparisin to my beliefs. To calculate one's weight you would have to find your (BMI). BMI stands for body mass index. This tells you whether yor an apropiate weight for your height by estimating your body fat.
Formula for BMI: (weight in pounds*703)/inches sq.
BMI Categories :
- Underweight = <18.5
- Normal Weight = 18.5 - 24.9
- Overweight = 25 - 29.9
- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Age and weight for teen boys/teen girls
12-13 years 85-100 lbs.
14 -15 years 105 - 125 lbs.
12 - 13 95 - 100 lbs.
14 - 15 105 - 115 lbs.
Weight can have a major effect on our lives because it can lead to several diseases in our adulthood. Such threats like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and diabetes type 2. That is why we must start good lifestyle choices. Due to your age group you must be between those ranges they give you. So that way you can prevent these things early on before they happen.
In my graph it shows the rate at which a person gains weight throghout their age. I proved that the older a person gets the more weight they gain due to their metabolism. People begin to gain more weight at the age of 14-60. then at a certain point it begins to go down and then it stops.
I believe that by showing you these charts and the information, as well as the formula, you can be able to see whether or not your health is in good conditions. I believe that this is an important cause because it has to determine how long we have to live our lives and enjoy it.
In Conclusion, I've worked really hard on this and whosever reading this should keep in mind everything that I told you. I am very proud of my project and I believe that I proved my hypothesis to the fullest. This was my Relations Project.
How can one's age depend on their weight?
ReplyDeleteWell I believe that the older a person gets the more food they crave because the portions they were use to eating in the previous year isn't sufficient enough for their bodies. Therefore,they eat way more than their bodies need which makes them overweight.